Oyu Tolgoi Mine
Mongolia, Province Ömnögovi
2020 – today

The Tracked Transport Vehicle TTV newly developed by Herrenknecht transports heavy loads under the special conditions of an underground mine. In narrow tunnels with uneven and variably firm ground, the TTV transports loads such as transformers or containers weighing up to 60 tonnes. With a lifting height of up to 2.2 meters, using two winches, loads can be loaded and unloaded at different heights. For maximum work safety, the TTV is operated by remote control. The TTV is first used in 2020 in the Mongolian Oyu Tolgoi Mine.

Data Sheet

Country, Location

Mongolia, Province Ömnögovi


2020 – today


Mining, transport of heavy loads

Tunnelling length

0 m

Machine Data

1x Tracked Transport Vehicle TTV-120
Loading area dimensions: length 6m, width 2.7m
Drive power: 328kW
Pay load: 60t
Max. incline: 18 %

Your contact person Contact us

Steffen Dubé President and General Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA Inc.
Gerhard Goisser Commercial Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA, Inc.