Estanque Tormentas de Valdemarin
Spain, Madrid

The idea was for a number of supply lines to canalize the water coming from the mountains around Madrid to prevent flodding. Planning envisaged, for instance, a 3.51-meter-diameter tunnel 1,300 meters in length between a reservoir and the municipal water/sewage system in the municipal district of Valdemarin. The schedule had to be vigorously enforced. All the more so since the tunnel was to be under a racecourse whose season was to resume in March 2007 and obviously the horses were not to be startled by any ground vibrations under them.

For the first time Herrenknecht delivered an all-in package of this size to Spain. It comprised an EPB micromachine, engineering for the segments and wagons  for material transport purposes. The route of a 400-meter radius went through the typical Madrid sand/clay geology together with thoroughly hard passages up to 180MPa. The stormwater tunnel was finished in February 2007 and right on time for the new horse-racing season from March. Races could start as had been planned.

Data Sheet

Country, Location

Spain, Madrid






Soft ground
Clay, sand, Tosco

Tunnelling length

1,360 m

Machine Data

1x EPB Shield:
Diameter: 3,510 mm
Lining method: Segmental lining
Cutterhead power: 400 kW
Torque: 1,300 kNm

Your contact person Contact us

Steffen Dubé President and General Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA Inc.
Gerhard Goisser Commercial Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA, Inc.