In our online magazine, reporters and photographers feature exciting and latest stories from the global world of mechanized tunnelling.
Semi-trenchless construction method for pipeline installation
Game changer in Horizontal Directional Drilling
Demanding challenges require special solutions
Method innovation for the installation of protection pipes
Method combination for the efficient exploration of oil and gas deposits
Boost your project performance
Durability and steady maintenance pay off
Service is a key component for optimal project performance
We push your machine to high availability around the clock
Remanufacturing at Herrenknecht
At topographical key points, with our drilling technology new connections are created
Powerful directional drilling technology for trenchless pipeline installation
The most demanding obstacles are safely crossed with our technology
Pipeline installation in one step
Game changer in Horizontal Directional Drilling
Metro systems pave the way for urban mobility
More than 1,900 km of metro tunnel have been built to date with Herrenknecht TBMs
Championship alliance builds new metro network in Doha with record speed
Learn more about our global metro tunnelling projects
Fast tunnelling technology with a broad application range
Fast tunnelling technology with a broad application range
Modern supply networks liven up cities
More than 850 Utility Tunnelling machines from Herrenknecht are in operation worldwide
Learn more about our global Utility Tunnelling projects
Powerful all-rounders for tunnelling in all geologies
Mechanized tunnelling increases mining efficiency
Rapid, systematic and secure shaft construction
Horizontal, vertical or inclined: our machines build underground infrastructures in all directions
Quick and safe construction of blind shafts down to a depth of 1,000 meters
Fast construction of slot holes with small diameters
Start your training with us!
We look for active employees who want to set things in motion
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Get fascinated by the world of mechanized tunnelling