Guanjingkou Reservoir Water Transfer Tunnel
China, Chongqing
2017 – 2020

Chongqing is one of the largest cities in China. However, the water supply structure often reaches its limit. In order to sustain the main urban area the city decided to build the new Guanjingkou reservoir.

Along the alignment, four Herrenknecht AVN machines drove more than 16 km of tunnels with a single drive length of up to 1,702m and overburdens of up to 325m. The challenging tunnelling was only feasible with a special machine design.

All four machines were delivered with a retractable mechanism. Therefore they could bore towards each other, and after they reached the final position, the shields could be dismantled inside the tunnel and the main machines could be relocated back to the launch shaft – ready for the next mission and saving several reception shafts

Data Sheet

Country, Location

China, Chongqing


2017 – 2020




Heterogeneous ground:
Sandstone, mudstone, partly with conglomerate, shale and limestone

Tunnelling length

16,371 m

Machine Data

4x AVN2000AH:
Diameter: 2,650mm
Torque: 250kNm
Lining method: Pipe jacking

Your contact person Contact us

Steffen Dubé President and General Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA Inc.
Gerhard Goisser Commercial Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA, Inc.