Switzerland, Choindez
2008 – 2009
Double benefit

Even for Switzerland, where a tunnel is something rather normal, is the new highway A16 ("Transjurane") something special. On 84 kilometers, the highway has eleven tunnels with a length of at least one kilometer, one of them being the Tunnel de Bure (Herrenknecht Single Shield TBM).

A 3.2-kilometer-long tunnel was required for the Choindez gorge bypass. Befor the road tunnel was excavated, a Herrenkknecht Gripper TBM bored a tunnel that would afterwards have the function of an escape tunnel. At the same time,  mechanized tunnelling from September 2008 until November 2009 revealed a lot about the geological and hydrological characteristics of the mountain that later speeded up the construction of the road tunnel.

Data Sheet

Country, Location

Switzerland, Choindez


2008 – 2009


Road, Security tunnel


Molasse, limestone

Tunnelling length

2,418 m

Machine Data

1x Gripper TBM:
Diameter: 3,630 mm
Lining method: Rock support
Cutterhead power: 640 kW
Torque: 857 kNm

Your contact person Contact us

Steffen Dubé President and General Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA Inc.
Gerhard Goisser Commercial Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA, Inc.