United States, Linden, NJ

In Linden, New Jersey, two sewage tunnels were to be excavated beneath a heavily used rail track. To do this, the machine had to tunnel under 13 tracks at a length of approx. 100 meters - with almost zero diversion and overburden of only three meters. The Herrenknecht AVND1800D drove the two tunnels within one week each through ground mainly consisting of filling material and even the unexpected drainage shaft was posed no problem at all. The trains operated above ground with no disturbance at all while in the underground the tunnelling works precisely reached their target.

Data Sheet

Country, Location

United States, Linden, NJ






Soft ground
Heterogeneous ground
Silt, fine sand, filling

Tunnelling length

202 m

Machine Data

1x AVN Machine:
Diameter: 2,260 mm
Lining method: Pipe jacking
Torque: 160 kNm
Torque: 520 kNm

Your contact person Contact us

Steffen Dubé President and General Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA Inc.
Gerhard Goisser Commercial Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA, Inc.