By the Ems River near Leer (Germany) an underground natural gas cavern is being built. For this purpose, salt domes are leached until large cavities are created and a 42-kilometer-long pipeline to the Outer Ems will be laid in order to dispose of the salt water (brine) - 283 meters of which will be laid by using the new one-step Direct Pipe® method from Herrenknecht near "Rysumer Nacken".
The innovative Direct Pipe® method allows to reduce the impact on the sensitive East Friesian Wadden Sea area to a minimum. In contrast to conventional pipelaying technology time and labor-intensive sheet pile wall constructions along the offshore pipeline route can be avoided using Direct Pipe® . The prefabricated pipe string will be pushed directly toward the outfall structure in the Outer Ems. Parallel to pipe thrusting a micromachine - coupled to the pipestring - excavates the soil. After completion of the microtunnelling operations the machine is uncoupled from the pipestring and recovered. During this project, Direct Pipe® has convinced the customer in terms of profitability and eco-friendliness. The one-step method has also contributed greatly to safeguard future natural gas supplies.