Szeged Sewage Tunnel
Hungary, Szeged
Successfull even under high water pressure

Szeged, one of Hungary's biggest cities, modernised its sewage network. A new treatment plant was built close to the winter harbour, in the southwest of the city. To transport the sewage of the suburbs to the treatment plant, a new main collector, with a total length of 3.45 kilometers, was directed to the freight railway station, where it was connected with the existing sewage system. The tunnel route was made up of six straight sections, some of which are more than 500 meters long, and a curved section with a radius of 800 meters.

The EPB2000 adapted by Herrenknecht to meet the project's requirements, ensured that the tunnel pipes were laid safely and quickly. Tunnelling started in April 2005 at the jobsite, which is immediately adjacent to the embankment of the winter harbour, and beneath the River Tisza's water level. Shortly after excavation started, the city put out a flood warning. Nevertheless, the EPB2000 mastered the high groundwater level safely and achieved noteworthy tunnelling performances of a maximum of 37 meters per day.

Data Sheet

Country, Location

Hungary, Szeged






Soft ground
Clay, sand, silt

Tunnelling length

3,450 m

Machine Data

1x EPB Shield:
Diameter: 2,420 mm
Lining method: Pipe jacking
Cutterhead power: 315 kW
Torque: 820 kNm

Your contact person Contact us

Steffen Dubé President and General Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA Inc.
Gerhard Goisser Commercial Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA, Inc.