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Patricia Kossek, Florian Kulke, Axel Langer, Annabelle Bozec Unternehmenskommunikation


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Completed tunnel for a gas pipeline underneath the Qiantang River in China, AVND3080AH, Ø 3,780 mm
Completed tunnel for a gas pipeline underneath the Qiantang River in China, AVND3080AH, Ø 3,780 mm
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Completed tunnel for the Eurasia Tunnel project, Istanbul, Mixshield, Ø 13,660 mm
Completed tunnel for the Eurasia Tunnel project, Istanbul, Mixshield, Ø 13,660 mm
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Breakthrough by TBM “Alice” for the Waterview Connection project in Auckland, EPB Shield, Ø 14,410 mm
Breakthrough by TBM “Alice” for the Waterview Connection project in Auckland, EPB Shield, Ø 14,410 mm
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Completed tunnel for the M-30 road tunnel in Madrid, Spain, EPB Shield, Ø 15,200 mm
Completed tunnel for the M-30 road tunnel in Madrid, Spain, EPB Shield, Ø 15,200 mm
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Direct Pipe method at the Tioga County Extension Project nearby New York City, USA
Direct Pipe method at the Tioga County Extension Project nearby New York City, USA
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Double Shield TBM for an urban sewage tunnel for the Mega Metropolis Hongkong, Ø 8,280 mm
Double Shield TBM for an urban sewage tunnel for the Mega Metropolis Hongkong, Ø 8,280 mm
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Double Shield TBM for a hydropower project in Dominican San Juan de la Maguana, Ø 4,500 mm
Double Shield TBM for a hydropower project in Dominican San Juan de la Maguana, Ø 4,500 mm
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Double Shield TBM for the Coca Codo Sinclair Hydropower Project in San Miguel, Ecuador, Ø 9,040mm
Double Shield TBM for the Coca Codo Sinclair Hydropower Project in San Miguel, Ecuador, Ø 9,040mm
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Dr.-Ing. E. h. Martin Herrenknecht at a breakthrough celebration at Gotthard Base Tunnel, Gripper TBM, Ø 8,830 mm, October 26, 2006
Dr.-Ing. E. h. Martin Herrenknecht at a breakthrough celebration at Gotthard Base Tunnel, Gripper TBM, Ø 8,830 mm, October 26, 2006
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EPB machine for an protective power tunnel at the National Grid Project in London, Great Britain, EPB4000AH, Ø 4,700 mm
EPB machine for an protective power tunnel at the National Grid Project in London, Great Britain, EPB4000AH, Ø 4,700 mm
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EPB Shield for the Crossrail project in London at workshop acceptance, Ø 7,080 mm
EPB Shield for the Crossrail project in London at workshop acceptance, Ø 7,080 mm
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Final breakthrough at the Gotthard Base Tunnel on 15 Oct. 2010, Switzerland, Gripper TBM, Ø 9,430mm
Final breakthrough at the Gotthard Base Tunnel on 15 Oct. 2010, Switzerland, Gripper TBM, Ø 9,430mm
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First ever breakthrough by a Variable Density TBM, Klang Valley project in Kuala Lumpur, Ø 6,620 mm
First ever breakthrough by a Variable Density TBM, Klang Valley project in Kuala Lumpur, Ø 6,620 mm
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Gripper TBM for the Gotthard Base Tunnel, Gripper TBM, Ø 8,830mm
Gripper TBM for the Gotthard Base Tunnel, Gripper TBM, Ø 8,830mm
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Inner-city TBM jobsite for building a metro line in Shenzhen, China, Ø 6,250 mm
Inner-city TBM jobsite for building a metro line in Shenzhen, China, Ø 6,250 mm
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Jobsite assembly of an EPB Shield for the metro in Singapore, Ø 6,600mm
Jobsite assembly of an EPB Shield for the metro in Singapore, Ø 6,600mm
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Jobsite assembly of the at that time world's largest TBM for the Sparvo road tunnel in Italy, EPB Shield, Ø 15,550 mm
Jobsite assembly of the at that time world's largest TBM for the Sparvo road tunnel in Italy, EPB Shield, Ø 15,550 mm
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Jobsite assembly of the Gripper TBM for the Lötschberg Tunnel, Switzerland, Ø 9,430mm
Jobsite assembly of the Gripper TBM for the Lötschberg Tunnel, Switzerland, Ø 9,430mm
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Launch shaft for an AVN machine crossing the River Elbe in Hetlingen, Germany, Ø 3,025 mm
Launch shaft for an AVN machine crossing the River Elbe in Hetlingen, Germany, Ø 3,025 mm
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Launch shaft for the Crossrail project in London, Great Britain, EPB Shield, Ø 7,080mm
Launch shaft for the Crossrail project in London, Great Britain, EPB Shield, Ø 7,080mm
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Launch shaft for the Eurasia Tunnel on the Asian side of the Bosporus, Istanbul, Mixshield, Ø 13,660 mm
Launch shaft for the Eurasia Tunnel on the Asian side of the Bosporus, Istanbul, Mixshield, Ø 13,660 mm
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Launch shaft of a microtunnelling jobsite in Lünen, Germany, EPB1400TB, Ø 1,740 mm
Launch shaft of a microtunnelling jobsite in Lünen, Germany, EPB1400TB, Ø 1,740 mm
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Launch shaft of a sea outfall project in Rabat, Marocco, AVND2200AB, Ø 2,665 mm
Launch shaft of a sea outfall project in Rabat, Marocco, AVND2200AB, Ø 2,665 mm
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Lined tunnel tube at the Gotthard Base Tunnel, Gripper TBM, Ø 9,430mm
Lined tunnel tube at the Gotthard Base Tunnel, Gripper TBM, Ø 9,430mm
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Loading a heavyweight cutting wheel segment onto a transport vessel in the Port of Kehl, Germany
Loading a heavyweight cutting wheel segment onto a transport vessel in the Port of Kehl, Germany
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Microtunnelling at Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany, AVN1200TC, Ø 1,200 mm
Microtunnelling at Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany, AVN1200TC, Ø 1,200 mm
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Microtunnelling launch shaft at a sewage project in Warsaw, Poland
Microtunnelling launch shaft at a sewage project in Warsaw, Poland
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Mixshield for the Shanghai Changjiang road tunnel, China, Mixshield, Ø 15,430 mm
Mixshield for the Shanghai Changjiang road tunnel, China, Mixshield, Ø 15,430 mm
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Multi-mode TBM shortly before tunnel advance starts at the Filder Tunnel, Germany, Ø 10,830 mm
Multi-mode TBM shortly before tunnel advance starts at the Filder Tunnel, Germany, Ø 10,830 mm
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Pipelining laying technique for a huge gas pipeline in Turkmenistan, HDD-rig HK400M
Pipelining laying technique for a huge gas pipeline in Turkmenistan, HDD-rig HK400M
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Target shaft in Düsseldorf for the Wehrhahn Line, Germany, Mixshield, Ø 9,490mm, 14 Dec. 2011
Target shaft in Düsseldorf for the Wehrhahn Line, Germany, Mixshield, Ø 9,490mm, 14 Dec. 2011
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Utility tunnelling machine for the urban construction of sewage tunnels in Panama City, Panama, EPB3000AH, Ø 3,670 mm
Utility tunnelling machine for the urban construction of sewage tunnels in Panama City, Panama, EPB3000AH, Ø 3,670 mm
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Vertical shaft sinking machine VSM9000 constructing an urban shaft in Naples, Italy
Vertical shaft sinking machine VSM9000 constructing an urban shaft in Naples, Italy
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Workshop assembly of a Multi-mode TBM for the Stuttgart 21 railway project, Germany, Ø 10,830 mm
Workshop assembly of a Multi-mode TBM for the Stuttgart 21 railway project, Germany, Ø 10,830 mm
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Patricia Kossek, Florian Kulke, Axel Langer, Annabelle Bozec Unternehmenskommunikation